Claudia Hammond was born in 1971 and has a degree in applied psychology and a Msc in health psychology. She regularly presents her own distinctive series on Radio 4 including ‘Brain Waves’, ‘Raging Hormones’, ‘The ABC of Vitamins’ and ‘Sense the Difference’. She lectures part-time in psychology for the Open University and her research in health psychology has been published. She is a frequent contributor to the Guardian and the Independent.
Claudia Hammond
Claudia Hammond was born in 1971 and has a degree in applied psychology and a Msc in health psychology. She regularly presents her own distinctive series on Radio 4 including Brain Waves, Raging Hormones, The ABC of Vitamins and Sense the Difference. She lectures part-time in psychology for the Open University and her research in health psychology has been published. She is also a frequent contributor to the Guardian and the Independent.
Emotional Rollercoaster: a Journey Through the Science of Feelings is her first book.